Art, Craft

Retro Rocket Boy!

I’ve always loved rockets.  And how I wanted to be an astronaut, I particularly loved the idea of space camp…still do, truth be told.  Oh, how about adult space camp, where we get a 3 course meal at the end of the day and a bucket of wine…oh yeah!  (Take a moment to ponder the awesome Adult Space Camp…….).  Anyway, back to reality (Poop), I’ve been seeing quite a few retro rocket prints floating around (  <——Space reference) on Pinterest lately.  They are just adorable!  So thought I would find a great design and then make my own and put it up for sale in my Etsy Store.  It turned out pretty cute!

Since I have completed the photography for the Etsy listing I don’t really need the papercut anymore 😦 and I don’t know of any Williams.  So if you know a kid called William or if you own one and want this papercut (it is actually listed for $20 {Australian Dollars} in the Etsy store) just contact me and you can have it for $10 plus postage.  You can comment here or go to Etsy or my Facebook page..or email or twitter or instagram or telegram or send a pigeon if you like!

I will be doing a matching airplane papercut shortly, so if you want the William one and you have another cherub, let me know and I will put their name at the bottom and you can have both for $10 each.


1 thought on “Retro Rocket Boy!”

  1. Ruby, my name is Gai – I am Noel Pracys sister – I just accidently happened across your page I do remember your dad ( more his name than his face) I had just turned 7 when Noel died – just thought I’d pass my best to your dad –

You could write me a little something :) Just down there ▼