Art, Etsy

Who Doesn’t Love a Bug?

Cut away of a 1963 VW

I grew up in the 1970’s in Australia and I was convinced that everyone’s parents had owned a VW beetle or bug at some stage in their lives. I remember being a little confused about getting the groceries out of the front of the car instead of the boot, such a novelty!  We had (I think) a light green one, and my Mum taped a note to the dashboard to remind her that the blinker was on the opposite side to normal Australian cars.  (Yes not only do we drive on the other side of the road we also have everything else on the other side of the car too).  I loved the sound of that car too, who can mistake the sound of an old VW coming down the road, not that you see or hear them as much as we used to, which is a bit sad, but that is life I suppose.

So I guess that explains my love for VW artworks.  I found this little gem in an original owner’s manual, I’ve cleaned it up a little and added a few things and moved a few other things to create this beautiful print.  I can’t tell you how much I love this print and all the beautiful retro colours.  Makes my little heart leap with joy!  I have this available in my Etsy store along with a heap of other Volkswagen prints.  Previously I have only had blueprints for sale on Etsy but after finding these beautiful little beetles and buses I just had to add them too.

So why not pop over to and see what I have been up to lately.  And don’t forget about little old  and there is a third store in the works at the moment, which is a combined effort with my son, stay tuned!  😀

VW 1963 cutaway red

You could write me a little something :) Just down there ▼