
Some Stuff I’ve Discovered Since Becoming A Mum

I have found:  When people say "it sticks to stuff like shit to a blanket", the people who say this are not kidding.  I have also found out that partial digested spaghetti bolegnese also sticks very well to a blanket...particularly at 2 am. I have found: A child can vomit into my ear hole when… Continue reading Some Stuff I’ve Discovered Since Becoming A Mum

Home, Life

Blast From The Past…

Well yesterday I found an old old old diary that I had written when my kids where little...from the beginning of the year 2000!  Have you ever written something down and re read it years later and then you realize how lame you actually were/are?  Well I am super lame...apparently, just in case the previous… Continue reading Blast From The Past…

Home, Illustrations, Life

Without kids, With kids…

Anyone that does not have children...this graphic will make you laugh.  But please believe me when I say real life is much much much worse.  To "complete" this housework, you will need at least 24 hours.  You may also be vacuuming at 2am in the morning cause the kids are awake anyway and there is… Continue reading Without kids, With kids…