Art, Craft

Featuring: Diorama Man and Wild Girl

And you thought doing diarama’s at school was a challenge.

I took this photo when I was at the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane last year.  Simply amazing isn’t it? I saw this floating around Pinterest lately and wanted to share it again.

By Nguyen Manh Hung, Click to visit

I haven’t posted much of my art work lately, because, well there hasn’t been any.  I have thrown all of my time and money into creating a successful Etsy store.  I still have lots to learn about it but I certainly know what direction I am going in now.  The Esty store is coming along nicely by the way.

I think I might have to start drawing again, just one a week and see where it goes.  My favourite still has to be Maxine.  I called her Maxine because I set out to pay homage to the greatest book of all time.  A book of which I own a hard cover version and a soft cover version.  A book that didn’t require a film, but got it anyway, not that it was terrible, just unnecessary.  A book whose story captivated many generations over many decades.

Where The Wild Things Are

Yes, when I drew Maxine I was actually drawing how I imagined myself in the book.  Because that’s how I read books.  I am the hero.  Do other people read books like that?  I remember the first time I read that book.  In my primary school library.  It had the same cover it does today, and on the cover where all those fancy gold stickers from all the awards it had won.  Did the stickers make it more special? I don’t know really.  What I do know is…








the end

PS do you now the worst thing about having a little blog?

Thinking of a title for each post…

You could write me a little something :) Just down there ▼